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Yoga and Pregnancy: Safe Practices for Expectant Mothers

"The pose begins when you want to get out of it."
— Baron Baptiste

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Celebrating National Yoga Month: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit

The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is serenity. Balance. Truly finding peace in your own skin.
―Rachel Brathen

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The Therapeutic Power of Yoga: Healing Body and Mind

"Learning to be present with yourself and to abide in that which is steady and comfortable does not allow space for self-judgment. When you live this way, you are practicing yoga: you are living fully.”
― Judith Hanson Lasater

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Breathe Easy in Airlift: Hot Yoga's BFF

A healthy outside starts from the inside.
– Robert Urich

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Nighttime Yoga: Stretches for a Better Sleep

"The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

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Yoga Essentials for Beginners: Must-Have Gear

"Yoga does not always cure stress. It neutralizes it through increasing awareness and by changing self-perception."
— Debasish Mridha

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Sound Bath Magic: A Master Class on Healing Sounds

"Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.”
― Amit Ray

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Embarking on a Yoga Journey: Tips for Getting Started

"That’s why it’s called a practice. We have to practice a practice if it is to be of value.”
— Peace Pilgrim

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Discovering Your Inner Goddess Through Yoga

"Remember, it doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go – what does matter is who you are when you get there.”
― Max Strom

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